Monday, January 10, 2011

Thanks Hap Hap

When my human got home today she was fetching the mail which I always think is a little odd…shouldn’t that be my job after all fetching balls, leads, shoes whatever it’s what I do… well anyway in the mail she found a letter and in that letter was this awesome card from our good friends in


The card is so pretty I tried to chew on it but my human took it away from me. It was such a shame it look so chewable I like chewing up the mail. I once chewed up my human membership form for our dog club in a hope that I wouldn’t have to go to doggie school but it didn’t work my human thought they wouldn’t mind since they are a dog club hehe


Anyway Thank you so much happy and happy human for the lovely card I know my human will treasure it always.

1 comment:

  1. YAY a Max Post!
    That is a pretty card, George LOVES the taste of paper, he understands completely!
